Monday, February 22, 2010

Networking, Network Explorer

Have now also added Angela Carritt's Delicious entry to my Network on Delicious.
By clicking around and looking at AC's network, I can see that one can create endless rings and roundabouts, by linking and by adding little Flags indicating that one is a Fan. Two little flags indicate that the fanship is Mutual.

Have added Lucile Desligneres to my Network on Delicious as well.

When I clicked on Delicious Network Explorer in order to view my network, I get the error message
"Error, can't establish connection to fetch data". Why is that?
It should show at least 3 entries on my Delicious network (Philosophy Library, Angela Carritt, Lucile Deslignieres).


I have also noticed that when I apply Labels to my blog postings, I get controlled vocabulary now.
Is there a way I can suppress this feature, so that I can type in any tagging term that I fancy?

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